Lightstone, and how to link Assets

In your system, you will have the ability to link your Assets to the Lightstone database to find the last purchase and valuation dates and values.

Obtaining the purchase price and date is completely free of charge and will happen automatically if you link your Asset to the Lightstone address upon creation. 

Obtaining the latest valuation date and values will happen only upon your request, and costs R25 per valuation. This will not give you the full valuation report - just the date and value. 

How to link your Asset with Lightstone: 

When creating a new Asset: 

  • When creating the Asset, search for the Asset address in the Lightstone field provided
  • Select the correct option, and proceed with the next steps

For an existing Asset on your system:

  • View the Asset, and remain in the Overview tab
  • On the right side of the screen, you will see the investment Summary block. Click on Request Lightstone Valuation to open the linking screen. 
  • Search for the Asset address and click on "save".
  • Click on "Fetch last sales data" to get the purchase price and date free of charge
  • Click on "request valuation" to obtain the latest valuation information at a cost of R25 if you want to.

The benefit of making sure you have all Asset purchase and valuation information: 

This information is not just nice to look at, it is actually used to generate some very exciting reports and figures available to you.

1. Asset Management Report

The Asset management card on your home dashboard will reflect a summary of the Lightstone data, or your own valuation/purchase values if you entered it. 

This data will be used to generate an Asset Management Report after 12 months on the system, and the average of these reports generate annually will then populate the Capital Growth and Yield fields. 

So, if your data is incomplete or inaccurate, the report will be as well. 

Why is this report beneficial for you as a business? 

Imagine saying the following to a possible client looking at different agencies to handle their business: "The 'how we do it' is very similar, but the 'what we do' is what sets us apart." You can show the prospective client exactly where you will be able to take their business, and that is ultimately what they want to hear. Even a report, or a few figures, can add tremendous additional value to clients. 

2. Investment Report

After 12 months on the system, you will also be able to provide an Investment Report to investors (your clients). Purchase and valuation dates and values are some of the elements used to create this report. To read more about this report, you can read the following article: Generating an investment report.

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