Navigate to the Portfolio Data tab and select Assets
Click on New Asset on the top right
Complete the Asset Name
Search for the Lightstone address in the Link Lightstone Property field. Please read this article to see the benefit of this functionality: Lightstone in your system
Link the Asset to the Asset Group by searching and selecting from the drop-down list. This is extremely important if the Asset should be in an Asset Group - the linking is not something that can be done afterward if the Asset is already created.
Link the Asset to a Portfolio by selecting from the drop-down list IF applicable
Indicate whether the Asset is Residential or Commercial
Complete the Size Sqm (optional)
Click on Next
Complete the address from the Asset Group or Lightstone link at the top OR enter an address if not linked to Asset Group or Lightstone address
Click on Next at the bottom
For Units of an Asset Group where Basic Accounting is switched on
Select the Mandate type
Select the Commission Type (if not set up on Asset Group level) - if set on Asset Group then select Not Applicable
For stand-alone Assets or units of an Asset Group where Basic Accounting is NOT switched on
Select the Mandate type
Select the Commission Type
Link Landlord Contact OR Create New Landlord Contact
Link Landlord Beneficiary OR Create New Landlord Beneficiary
Link Municipal Beneficiary (optional - only link if you are managing the Municipal account on behalf of the Landlord)
Click on Create at the bottom
Navigate into the Asset from View on the right hand side
Amend the Mandate information for the Asset
Video Tutorial:
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