Linking up with Investors on the Investor portal

How to invite Investors (landlords) as users:

Investors can be created as users through two different routes in the system - for your convenience.

Let’s take a look:

  •          Invite your Investor’s from the contacts dashboard:

Navigate to portfolio data, contacts. Here, you will notice a new advanced filter on the contacts list:

View the applicable landlord and click on the red icon, as indicated below:

This will prompt the creation of the landlord as a user, opening the window to the invitation card:

  •          Invite your investors from the Asset dashboard:Navigate to Portfolio data, Assets. View the applicable asset and navigate to the contacts tab.

Click on the red icon, as indicated above. This is to prompt the invitation process.As indicated below, you can personalise the message to the landlord, inviting them to become a user on the new WeconnectU Investor portal. Thereafter, click “Give Access & Send Invite Email”. The landlord will then be emailed prompting them to create a WeconnectU login.

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