Various Accounts & Account components explained
The focus of the article is to explain all the components and different Account Types you will encounter when viewing a specific account from the Accounts Dashboard.
Various Account Types
You will view three main accounts by default:
- Tenant Account - This account is linked to your tenant's lease. All tenant invoicing will happen here, i.e. Rent, Lease fees, Deposits, and it will result in the balance due by the tenant for payment.
- Landlord Income Account - This account will populate itself to show payments due to the landlord (rent and recoveries) and any payments that was made on behalf of the landlord from his rental income. The balance of this account represents income due to the Landlord. The items due to the landlord on this account should match the invoices loaded on the tenant account that is due to the landlord i.e. Rent on tenant account = R5000, then Rent on the Landlord Income due account must also be R5000.
- Landlord Expense Account - This account is where all invoices due by the landlord or any expenses you are managing on behalf of the landlord will be loaded - anything that needs to be deducted from his Rental income i.e. Commission, Levies, Property Rates etc.
The two deposit accounts (Tenant & Landlord) are hidden by default since this is not something you work with every day. You can access them by viewing the Accounts Filter and selecting them.
- Tenant Deposit Account - This account is where the tenant's deposit can be seen and managed.
- Landlord Deposit Account - This account is where the landlord's deposit can be seen and managed IF a landlord deposit is being kept. This is handy for when you want to retain funds for a landlord and gain interest on it.
Other components:
Three very informative blocks can also be seen at the top of every account.
1. Lease summary card:
- This card contains a summary of the tenant's Lease. The Commission % or amount as specified on the mandate will also display at the bottom right, and the Landlord's name will appear next to the Asset name at the top of this card.
- Tip - Clicking on the Tenant's name in this card is a shortcut to the Lease, and clicking on the Asset name is a shortcut to the Asset.
2. Notes card:
- This is a space where you can add any notes for this specific account.
- The notes you make here will also display on the Payment Allocation dashboard for this account, and vice versa.
3. Balances card:
Tenant Balances:
- Tenant's wallet reference number displayed
- Shortcut to tenant's Payment Allocations by clicking on the wallet icon
- Shortcut to this account's specific Payment History by clicking on the history icon
- Account balance - Total amount due by the tenant
- Deposit balance - The deposit amount currently held in the Investment Account for this tenant
Landlord Balances:
- Landlord's wallet reference displayed
- Shortcut to landlord's Payment Allocations by clicking on the wallet icon
- Shortcut to the payment history for the landlord wallet (IF used) by clicking on the history icon
- Account balance - A summary of what is due to the landlord after projected deductions
- Deposit balance - The deposit amount currently held in the Investment Account for this landlord (IF using landlord deposits)