Asset Group Statements

All new Excel Landlord Statements

These fantastic new enhancements for the Asset Group Statement options will revolutionise your reporting to landlords.

The Excel versions maintain identical naming and column sequencing to their PDF counterparts, guaranteeing complete transparency and comparability.

It's important to note that the Excel report is accessible for both the Normal and Summarised statement formats. However, please keep in mind that the Summarised format is exclusively applicable to Full Accounting Asset Groups.

The Excel version of these statements can also be included in the monthly Asset Group reporting pack to your Investors.

Report naming and column enhancements

The naming of Asset Group statements have been streamlined for clarity, and will going forward be known only as the Owner Statement.

Additional minor refinements have been made to these statements, including simplified naming conventions for Income and Expense accounts.

New Adjustment columns for your Rent Roll and Landlord statements

We have introduced two new columns on the Rent Roll and Owner statements for easy reference and clarification of adjustments - Adj Total and Adj VAT (see example above).

The Adjustment columns will display the total nett adjustment for all debit notes, credit notes, and includes reversals.

This means that your "Billed" column will now only display the nett Invoice value for each category to create more transparent reporting.

Summarised Asset Group Statement enhancements

The Summarised Asset Group statement has been updated and further enhanced to encompass supplementary details regarding transfers to and from the Asset Group wallet.

In addition, notable enhancements include period totals for Creditor and Other Account payments, along with the introduction of the new Owner Disbursements section.

For examples of the new Asset Group reports, click on the links below:

Normal Asset Group statement (PDF)

Normal Asset Group Statement (Excel)

Summarised Asset Group statement (PDF)

Summarised Asset Group statement (Excel)

All of the new features and enhancements to the existing reporting are designed to simplify your financial reporting to your Investors and empower you with more comparable reporting.

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