How to load a maintenance invoice

  • View the account you want to load the invoice for from the Accounts Dashboard. 
  • If the invoice is payable by the tenant, you will add the transaction on the Tenant Account. If payable by the landlord, you will invoice it on the Landlord Expense Account.
  • On the applicable Account, make sure you are in the Transactions tab and click "Add Transaction"
  • Proceed to populate the information fields and choose the category "Maintenance"

  • Tick the "Recover to Landlord" box if the Landlord should receive the payment for this invoice (only an option for tenant maintenance). 
  • Proceed to create a sub-category for the maintenance to be done. This functionality is available since there are often a few different maintenance contractors working at once - one for plumbing, one for electric work etc. This allows you to handle various invoices from various contractors at once. These categories are account specific and are not created universally for your entire system. 
  • Once the sub-category is created, it will always be available for any future invoices
  • Proceed to enter the amount and VAT settings
  • Create the invoice
  • Note - When creating an invoice in the system, the invoice is NOT sent to the Tenant/Landlord - they will only see this on their statement once is has been sent by you. 

You can upload the actual maintenance invoice on the system too. This has two benefits:

1. The Tenant/Landlord will be able to download the invoice you uploaded on their statement by clicking on the blue link on the statement. 

2. For future admin and recon purposes - if the source document was uploaded, it will always be available for you to view directly from the invoice on the system.  This is great for your records, but also has the added benefit that your auditor will have access to these documents directly from the system.  To upload the source document for the transaction on the account, click to upload a document, complete the fields required and choose a file from your computer (see below).

Note - On the Landlord Expense Account, select the Source Document option as the one you want to upload.

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