Viewing your Lease Information

  • On the Lease dashboard, you can view the information saved on any specific Lease, by selecting View on the right hand side of the record.

    The information is saved in different Tabs on the Lease record for easy reference:

  • Overview of the Lease record containing lease terms:
    • From the Options button, when you select Settings, you can update the Tenant addresses
    • You can create the Lease Addendum or Lease Renewal Addendum by selecting Compile Lease Addendum from the list
    • To archive a lease, select Options and the select Archive
    • To record the terms for a lease renewal, select the Renew Lease button and complete the new lease terms as agreed with the tenant
  • Landlords & Tenants - displays the Landlord/s and Tenants/Occupant names
    • To view the contact details for the Landlord or Tenant, click on the three-dot menu to the right of the name, and select View Contact Details
    • To add additional Tenants/Occupants for the lease, click on the Man+ icon to the right of the Tenants block - you can link existing Contacts or Create a new Contact
  • Accounts - view all account balances for this lease.  You can use the Accounts Dashboard button to navigate to the Accounts dashboard for this lease
  • Documents & Compliance - upload all the relevant compliance documents onto the system i.e. lease agreement, FICA etc.  
  • Notes -  Any notes relating to the specific lease
  • Activity Log - a short audit log for any changes to the Lease record and Tenants linked to the lease
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