What to do when you can't find a payment

If you find yourself in a situation where you know you received a payment into the system, but you can't find it anywhere, this article is for you.

1. Make sure that it is not still in Banking - All payments received in the system will be reflected here first before you map it to a specific wallet.

2. If it's not reflected on the Banking dashboard, navigate to Payment History.

  • Click on the filter icon on the top right of your screen

  • This will open up a whole range of handy filters. The one you want to use for this exercise is the "Amount" filter. Make sure you search for the exact amount as this filter is sensitive to the cent. 

  • You can also filter the transaction Status to "Reconciled", or the transaction type as "Payment Received". This will then only show you payments that were received into your Trust Account. The same can be done for amounts that was "paid" if you are searching for an amount that was paid, not received. 
  • After this, you can click on the Filter icon again to close the filter dropdown, and a list of all the matching transactions should appear on your screen (it can take a few seconds). 
  • Look at the "Wallet" column on the left to see to which wallet the funds have been mapped.

Filters are there to make your life much easier - click on the filter icons throughout your system to see what valuable functionality they can bring like the example above. 

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