Home Dashboard: Unreconciled Debits

Compliance is one of the key components of your system, and that includes the Reconciled status of your Trust Account.

The Trust Reconciled status can be seen in the Compliance Card on the Home Dashboard. This status should always be checked before beginning with Payment Processing.

If the field is highlighted red and marked as "No", your Trust Account is currently unreconciled. 

How does the Trust Account become unreconciled?

An "unreconciled debit" is any debit transaction that did not originate from within the system.

  • This is commonly due to payment corrections passed by ABSA or bank charges that could not be automatically redirected. Certain bank charges, like for International Payments, cannot be auto redirected, and thus need to be resolved afterward.  
  • Another reason could be that you currently have an ABSA online banking profile and transacted on your Trust Account via ABSA online banking, and not through the system. If you have an existing ABSA Online Banking profile, it should never be used to transact on your system-linked Trust Account. 

What should you do if your Trust Account is unreconciled?

No action from your side is needed for any unreconciled debits. WeconnectU does a weekly sweep to pick up unreconciled debits and then resolves them with ABSA. 

Very important:

If the unreconciled debit is due to a payment correction by ABSA, it is crucial that you DO NOT map the corresponding credit from your Banking dashboard. The amount must remain on the Banking Dashboard until resolved by WeconnectU in the system.

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