Audit Guidelines

The annual audit of your Trust and Investment account is an important compliance process, but this process is made effective by providing your auditor access to facilitate an online audit of your Trust account.  

Below you will find access to the following:

  • A link to our latest webinar recording on how to prepare for a successful Annual Audit
  • Audit Guidelines should be supplied to your auditor to assist with the online audit.

ClickHERE to view the webinar recording on how to plan for a successful and smooth year-end audit.

Standard Audit Guidelines

This is a guideline for all new clients for which deposit funds were never held in the global investment account.  This should be all clients that are onboarded from approximately July 2022 onwards.

Click HERE to download the guidelines.

Audit Guidelines - for clients where funds were migrated from the global Investment to the new individual Investment account

For all our clients where the deposit funds were migrated to your new individual investment account, please download the alternative Audit Guidelines for your auditor.

Click HERE to download the guidelines.

Setting up your Auditor as a User

Please click HERE to view the article on how to setup your Auditor within the solution.

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