Creating & Managing Sub-Categories

WeconnectU allows you to create sub-categories for different payment categories. For example, under the Maintenance category there might be multiple sub-categories, such as Glass Repairs and Carpet Cleaning.

  • Sub-categories can be selected/created from the "Add Transaction" workflow on the Tenant Account, Landlord Debtors, Landlord Creditors, Asset Group Creditors accounts.
  • Sub-categories can also be selected/created from the "Add Billing Rule" workflow on the Tenant Account, Landlord Creditors, Asset Group Creditors accounts.
  • When you choose to select an existing sub-category, the transaction will just be posted to the existing sub-category.
  • When you choose to create a new sub-category, you will have to complete the new sub-category form as shown below:
    • You can specify the Category Name
    • You can specify if this needs to be recovered to the Landlord
    • If not recovered, you can select the Beneficiary
    • You need to specify an Account / Payment reference that will be included as a Beneficiary reference when payments are made to the Beneficiary.

  • If you choose "Recover to Landlord" when you create a new sub-category, the system will automatically also add the sub-category to the Landlord Income due and Asset Group Income accounts.
  • If you reverse a transactions against a sub-category on the Tenant Account that affects other accounts such as Landlord Income Due, Asset Group Income and Asset Group VAT, the system will automatically also reverse the affected transactions on those accounts.
  • The normal Category features available for all categories are also available for dynamically created sub-categories:
    • Ability to change priorities
    • Ability to setup multiple beneficiaries on a sub-category with a % split
    • Ability to setup a payment limit on a sub-category
    • Ability to auto suggest against sub-categories
  • NB: Once a category has been marked as a Holder type category, you cannot change it back to a normal category. This is not reversible. 
  • The Holder type can be thought of as the Main category under which other sub-categories are created.

What will happen to existing Transactions against the Holder Category?

When you change a Category to "Holder", it might have existing transactions that have been loaded prior to the change to "Holder".

The system will automatically create a sub-category and move all those transactions to the newly created sub-category linked to the holder category.
Can Transactions be imported in BULK against sub-categories?
The answer to the above question is YES. The template for the Bulk Transaction Imports have been adapted slightly to accommodate this. The following fields were added to the template (see screenshot below):
  • Payment Reference (optional) - this is the Payment Reference field on the sub-category
  • Beneficiary Account Number (optional) - this is the linked Beneficiary account number

So, how will this work (referring to the example above)?

  • If the system finds a beneficiary with account number "123456789", it will automatically create a sub-category for the holder category "Electricity" if the sub-category does not exist. Note that this will only happen if the Electricity Category was configured as a Holder category as explained below in the section on "How to set it up".
  • The Beneficiary will be linked to the new sub-category and the Payment Reference will be filled in on the sub-category.
  • If the sub-category exists based on the Beneficiary and Payment Reference provided, the Transaction will just be loaded against the existing sub-category.
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