Auto Billing Procedure
- Bill a number of days before month-end. This will result in the effective day of the invoice being in the next month.
- Bill on month-end
- Bill on a specific day of a month. This will result in the effective day of the invoice being in the current month (that you are doing the billing in).
In order to ensure that your auto billing execute correctly, you need to set it up as follows:
Step 1: Company Settings
- Navigate to the Billing Settings panel as shown below
On the Billing Settings Panel you can:
- Default Billing Day - select / change the default day that will be applied when a new Billing Rule is created. The Billing Day of a Billing Rule is the day in the month when the Billing Rule will execute and create a Billing Transaction on an Account. Note that you can change the Billing Day on any Billing Rule after creation or in bulk for a selection of Billing Rules.
- Default Effective Day - select / change the default effective day that will be applied when a new Billing Rule is created. The Effective Day of a Billing Rule specify the date of the billing transaction that will be created when the Billing Rule executes. Note that you can change the Effective Day on any Billing Rule after creation or in bulk for a selection of Billing Rules.
- Billing Workflow - select / change between Auto Billing and Manual Billing. Auto Billing will evaluate the Billing Day on all active Billing Rules every morning and execute the Billing Rules where their Billing Day is the current day of the month. When Manual Billing is selected, the user can click a Bulk Billing button on the Billing Schedule to execute all active Billing Rules. Note that the same Billing Rule will not execute twice in the same month irrespective of whether the Billing is set to auto or manual.
Step 2: Changing the Billing Day & Effective Day in BULK
The next step would now be to update the Billing Day in bulk to ensure every single billing rule has the same specifications as in Company Settings.
- Navigate to the Billing Schedule
- Apply the following filters: Select All Types, ensure that the "Only Show Zero Amounts" toggle is switched off, and lastly set the Last Billed date to tomorrow's date. This should show you all the billing rules including those that were already billed in this current month.
- With the Advanced Filters toggle at the top right switch on the "Show Billing and Effective Day" toggle as shown below to display the Billing Day and Effective Day for all the Billing Rules on the Billing Schedule.
- Next you will select Billing Rules to include in the bulk update - use the arrow drop-down menu options to select all pages of the Billing Schedule (or make a manual selection if you only want to update a few). The bulk update will be applied to all selected Billing Rules on the schedule.
- Once you have selected one or more Billing Rules on the schedule, the Edit Billing Rules button will become available at the top right corner of your screen as shown below. Click the button to open the form.
- On the form select the Billing Day and Effective day to be applied to all the selected Billing Rules. This should be the same as in your Company Settings. Click update to change the Billing Day and Effective Day on all selected Billing Rules to the new values as per the selected values on the form.