Approaching month end guide - How to bill

This guide can be used to make sure you are handling your billing process correctly each month: 

In preparation:

  • Add any once-off transactions in the accounts that you would like to include in this month's statement (e.g. fines, pro rata rent, admin fees, maintenance etc.)
  • As you receive your monthly variable accounts (e.g., water, electricity), you can fill the amounts in the Billing Schedule. All the variable billing rules will appear on the schedule for you to fill in. There is no need to do anything with your fixed billing rules as they always stay the same. Once you bill a billing rule, it will disappear from your Billing Schedule if you refresh the page. This helps you to keep track of which billing rules you still need to bill for. If a billing rule is still on your Billing Schedule it therefore implies that you have not yet billed for that rule.
  • You have two options for variable billing:

Option  1: Bill as you go - this is the best practice option:

  • When you fill in the variable account, bill individually for this rule as you load it with the individual bill icon.
  • This will bill individually and place the balance for this variable in the account.

Option 2: Fill in and save to bill later:

  • The amounts will be saved on the billing schedule, and be billed with all the fixed when you press “bill now” at month end.
  • Both of these options are correct.

On billing day/month end:

  • You need to press the ‘Bill now’ button. This will bill for all the fixed billing rules (commission, rent etc.) and also any variables that you filled in and saved. It will leave any R0 variables out and they will remain on the billing schedule until the last day of the month. In other words, the Bill Now function bills every rule in your Billing Schedule with a balance.

  • Billing = placing balances in the accounts. You can think of Billing as creating your Tenant Statements, not sending them out. 
  • Give the system a few minutes to process all the billing rules, you should get a email with confirmation that all billing rules have been executed. 
  • NB: After you billed, go to the accounts dashboard and send tenant statements. Tenant statements will not be sent automatically when you bill.
  • NB: Do not bill on the first of the month - this is when the Billing Schedule is reset for the next month. 
  • Remember, you have three ways to send tenant statements:
  1. In bulk – simply press the Send Tenant Statement button on the accounts dashboard. This will send to all tenants.
  2. Make a selection with the tick boxes on the left and then press the button.

  • Tip: you can also send more than one tenant statement. For example, you want to send their rent invoice on the 25th but only get the municipal bill on the 29th.

Extra info and reminders:

  • You get one slot per billing rule on the billing schedule in a month. If you bill for it, it will disappear for that month.
  • The Billing Schedule refreshes on the 1st of each month and all the billing rules will reset for the next month.
  • DO NOT press the bill now button on the 1st – this will bill for next month. E.g., if you press the button on 1 June, it will bill for July.


  1. Fill in variables
  2. Press Bill Now at month end – BEFORE the 1st.
  3. Send tenant statements
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