How to link a Landlord Beneficiary to a Basic Accounting Asset Group

When creating an Asset part of a Basic Accounting Asset Group, you need to link the Landlord's beneficiary as an additional step before payment to them can occur. The linking is done on Asset Group level, since all income will collect in the Asset Group wallet before final payment to the landlord.

The steps are as follows:

  • Create the Landlord Beneficiary. This can be done by selecting Beneficiaries under the Payments tab. To see a more detailed step-by-step guide on how to create a beneficiary, click here for the full article. 
  • Approve the beneficiary. A beneficiary needs to be approved by a user with the correct permission before payments can be made towards the beneficiary.
  • Navigate to Accounts Dashboard under the Accounts tab.
  • Filter to see Asset Group Accounts. 
  • Search for and view the Asset Group Account in question.
  • In the top left block in the Account, click on the blue man-plus icon. 
  • Search for the beneficiary, select it, and remember to save. 
  • The beneficiary is now correctly linked. 

Important additional information:

For every individual unit's account in the Basic Accounting Asset Group, the beneficiary setup should look as follows:

  • View the Accounts Dashboard from the Accounts tab. Ensure you are in the Tenant Accounts filter and are viewing the individual units. View the Account. 
  • View the Categories tab on the Tenant Account
  • The beneficiary for the Rent category should be specified as the Asset Group Wallet as seen in the screenshot below.
  • Any additional categories that should also be paid towards the landlord too should be set up as Recover to Landlord. This can be done by clicking on Edit for that category and ticking the Recover to Landlord tick box. This can only be done when the category balance is still R0. If you already have a balance on the category without having this setup done, the category balance must be made R0 first, you will then be able to tick the box and load the balance again manually via the Add Transaction option once done. 
  • The result should be as follows: 

Why is the Recover to Landlord setup so important? Why can one not just link the Asset Group beneficiary (as with the Rent category) to any other categories that must be paid to the Asset Group wallet? 

  • The Asset Group Reporting will be impacted: The Recover to Landlord setting indicates to the system what information regarding landlord income should be included in the Asset Group reporting available. If you link the Asset Group beneficiary to any other category than Rent directly, the money will be received in the Asset Group wallet, but the system has no way to receive the instruction that it should be included in the reporting. 
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